Urdu Studies, Vol 2 Issue 1, October 2022

Local History in the Making: Tarikh Nigari at Qasbah Amroha (1878-1934) 

Soheb Niazi



The article is divided into three sections. The first section provides an overview of the development of tārīkh nigārī in Urdu. The second section covers the period of 1878-1917; a period in which several family histories were written, but this was also the period which saw the first social history of Amroha, the Tārīkh-e Asgharī, as well as the Mirāt-ul Ansāb, a text on genealogy and lineage. The third section covers the period of 1917-1934; a period of contestation and polemics, during which Mahmud Ahmad Abbasi’s three volume Tārīkh-e Amroha was published and subsequently several critiques of the work that focused on the genealogy of specific families and qaumī tārīkhs were written in response to Abbasi’s work.

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